Thursday, September 1, 2022

Ronni, a couple of days ago we had a run in on twitter.  It has taken me a while to process and this is my response to what happened.  I was not rude to you, telling you to look something up when you were giving incorrect information is not rude and not an insult.  Your response was to lash out with personal insults and attack way out of proportion to what I had said.

I said to someone if you are a white man, you have white man privilege.  You blocked people for just liking my comment, how petty is that? 

You agreed with this man when he said not all white men have white male privilege, which is incorrect.

Then you proceeded to proclaim you knew more about feminism because of your 'feminist scholar years'.  Pretty bold of you, considering you don't know anything about me.

You don't learn about it by reading, you learn about it from experiencing it, from living it which is what I did in the '70's.  I lived in a women's lib communal space, that was set up for women and children leaving abusive husbands.  I got to hear the stories from these women first hand, who had actually lived them.  The drugs, the self harm, the drinking to oblivion to drown out the pain and also the sisterhood that can only come from a shared traumatic experience.  It was part of my everyday lived experience.  I didn't just read about it from dusty books.  I didn't pontificate the finer points of the latest feminist theory with uni friends over a cafe au lait.  I actually lived it.

You pandering to white men's fragile egos while attacking me a white woman, is a perfect illustration of white male privilege in practice.

You're right, I don't know about this man's situation and I don't know about your relationship with him.  Just as you don't know anything about me.  Your special knowledge of his life experiences does not alter the fact as a white man he has white male privilege.  You don't get to decide who has it and who is exempt.  You do a great disservice to everyone who is not a white male when you post on a public website incorrect information on this topic - because of your feelings.  No white man gets a pass because *you* decide they do.

You were condescending in your smug comment professing I have the vocabulary and education of a 'high school kid'.  You were wrong about that.  Just like you were wrong in your understanding of white male privilege.  It appears being gifted money by daddy so you can live a cushy, 'independent' life has made you insensitive to the struggles of those less fortunate than you.  I doubt you gave a fleeting thought to how people who may not have had your advantages, might feel when reading your comment.  The way you felt you could dismiss someone you perceived as less educated than you, is very telling.  Superiority complex. much?

Labelling me privileged - did you think that would insult me?  Is that because you actually are privileged thanks to daddy's money?  Being a working class female my whole life, the only privilege I have is being white and cisgendered.

I have been to university as it happens.  I was taught the importance of communication was expressing your ideas in plain speech so you could be understood.  It appears your education taught you to use words as weapons.  To bamboozle readers so they will assume you know what you are talking about because of your 'superior' intellect.  Using words as weapons to win some imagined Walkley points, is an aggressive act of a weak and fragile ego.  Funny how universities today are teaching plainly spoken words are more preferable, to ensure you are understood.

I said your understanding of white male privilege was incorrect.  It was.  Instead of debating the point raised you proceeded to berate and insult me.  Did your university not teach you ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the weak?  You lose your argument when they are all you have.  No doubt, you assumed I was too stupid to see what you were doing, with only my 'high school education' and all.

Certainly, you counted on your followers not to pick up on that.  What does that say about how you perceive them?

You are intelligent, there's no denying that.  But you aren't clever.  You aren't bright and your interactions lack empathy and a heart.

I may not use your 'big words', Ronni, but I do know them.  I just don't feel the need to appear as a sanctimonious, pompous prat with a stick up my arse to stroke my own ego.

You said you had given a definition of what white male privilege is:

What definition, Ronni?  This one?

I don't know what kind of education you had, but this is not a definition.  This is an example.  

I looked through that thread and other of your posts and could not find where you have given any sort of actual definition.

A definition of privilege:

Privilege: Unearned access to resources (social power) that are only readily available to some people because of their social group membership; an advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by one societal group above and beyond the common advantage of all other groups. Privilege is often invisible to those who have it.


White male privilege is the 'unearned access to resources that are only readily available to' white men.  It has nothing to do with how much money they have, the state of their mental health or physical abilities.  They don't have to be rich, fit and healthy to have this privilege, they just have to be white men.

White male privilege is:

  • a white man being given a lesser sentence than a black man for the same crime
  • a woman being doubted and asked for proof where a white man's word is taken for granted
  • a white man being given more opportunities for advancement and better pay then women or black men
  • not being questioned or followed when out after dark in your own neighbourhood because you're a white man
  • not being assumed to be the thief when a wallet is discovered missing at a party
  • white women feeling safer in a lift or carpark when they wouldn't with another woman or a black man

Do you remember the spate of judicial statements that women suffered less from being raped when they were sex workers or unconscious, that happened in the late 1980's/early 1990's?  I do.  In one case the woman was unconscious because her attacker had strangled her to the point of passing out before raping her.  Her attacker was not rich, but he was a white male.  All the men in these cases were white men, not all (if any) were wealthy.  Perhaps that was before your time.

Here is one of your followers commenting the same thing I said but in different words.  They later on attacked me because of your accusation I as attacking a pensioner.

Most of your compassionate-bereft, egotistical flying monkeys couldn't be bothered to take a second and read my bio.  If they had, they would have discovered I'm a woman.  Not the least of which, the 'trix' in my name is a specifically feminine suffix.  Apparently, your excellent education didn't teach you that.  I know because while not referring to me as a male, you did not refer to me as a female either.  That tells me you didn't actually know.

Because of your emotional manipulation tweeting that I was attacking a disabled pensioner, your followers were all too eager to attack me without knowing why.  You deliberately chose words to inflame hate and wrath.

This is his bio, where does it say he's a pensioner?  How was I supposed to know that, without knowing him?

I did know he was a white man.  And what was my attack?

Not an attack, just pointing out truth.

Some of the misgendering I received:

This one reduced me to an object:

And for some reason, this one assumed they knew my political leaning:

You are responsible for their actions, Ronni.  You set the tone of what was acceptable from your followers when you chose to attack me.

How many of them would clutch pearls and be indignant hearing a trans person was misgendered?  Yet they were quick to do so with me.  Not knowing my gender and assuming I must be male is part of that white male privilege.  We draw to us people who reflect us, you are the company you keep.  

My short interaction with you has left the impression you are sanctimonious, arrogant, elitist, ageist and have a fragile ego.  You think nothing of ridiculing and insulting people for what you perceive are attacks.  Your retaliation was out of all proportion to anything I said, which makes you appear irrational.  Your grandiosity and sense of entitlement to be respected and never questioned or corrected by those you deem inferior to you, have left you with tunnel vision.  You think a university education is the only acceptable way a person could ever gain knowledge?  You think a piece of paper makes their words authoritative?  It is clear you think life experience and learning from books is far inferior and not 'real education.'  What on earth would the great Ronni ever have to learn from anyone who had not stepped inside the hallowed halls of a university?  To quote you: how fucking dare you!

Get off your high horse.  Get out of your ivory tower and go and touch some grass.


The thread has now been deleted by Ronni Salt, instead of owning up to being wrong, like a mature adult.  

She left up a second thread, connected comment where she accused me of attacking a disabled pensioner - that I didn't know was either.

Here you will find my one negative comment to Ronni, calling her 'sweetie' which I admit I did condescendingly, as I was frustrated with her puerile behaviour.

I chose to remove all twitter handles except for Ronni Salt and myself.